Adult Dyslexia Test
Literacy practitioners, while untrained, play a role in diagnosing an adult learning disability. Often they are able to forward adults with dyslexia to appropriate health care professionals. During the screening, the practitioner will ask what their average ability is in some areas but limited in others, if they have poor vision or hearing, are there problems with reading, spelling, writing, handwriting and/or math, and are there certain behaviors or psychological barriers that may impede classroom learning? Next, an adult dyslexia test can be assessed by an educational diagnostician, psychiatrist, psychologist or counselor.
A test for adult dyslexia can be helpful to clarify one’s condition. Often times, a person with dyslexia signs gets misdiagnosed. Right off the bat, many individuals are seen as “underachievers” who simply don’t care about achieving quality marks in school or getting ahead in life. These stigmas and stereotypes can prevent a person from rising above the labels. Kids are often diagnosed with ADHD anxiety because they’re perceived to be intelligent but fidgety and under-performing. Being put on Ritalin is no way to overcome basic reading difficulties. Others with dyslexia are even viewed as having adults Asperger syndrome, depression or even mild mental retardation because they appear “different” from others. With a proper diagnosis, individuals can expect more reasonable goals and achieve more than ever before.
There are two primary places to find an adult dyslexia test; either through a psychologist or online. Chartered psychologists may own a practice or operate through a local college. College psychologists are generally skeptical of signs of dyslexia and prefer to send disabled adults to their one-size-fits-all reading and writing centers instead. Private practice psychologists are usually much better with their assessments and reporting, although they are also more expensive. Online dyslexia tests may seem expensive, but not compared to an office visit. Once the test is finished, the results will be determined and individual will then receive a diagnosis and be informed about the different adult learning styles.
A wide range of achievement tests are often given to diagnose adult learning disabilities. The adult dyslexia test will ask an individual to comprehend ideas and information within sentences, spell, repeat poly-syllabic words, speed read for one minute, recite back a numerical sequence, decipher the letter “b” from “d,” phonetically spell out words, subtract numbers and use the right hand to point to the left foot. While these may not sound like particularly challenging tasks, adults with dyslexia often stumble in these areas. However, with specialized educational programs, they can learn to overcome faulty neural pathways.
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